Friday 14 January 2011

Tonight? We make soap

So where do I start?

Recently, myself and two of my good friends decided to embark on a silver screen adventure. Long story short, every two weeks, one of us will host 'movie night'. The host picks a movie, we all watch, that's about it really.

So, being a total film nut, I decided I'd capture this journey in the form of a blog. I love talking about film and hearing others share their experience of them, it all seems to make sense. So I guess that sets the scene.

I'm sure as time goes on I'll paint an unwitting picture of my movie taste, but for now, I'll give a snapshot.

One of my all time favourites is Mike Nicholls' London based drama 'Closer'. Not to everybody's taste I'm sure, but somehow the raw emotion and witty dialogue just pulls me in. I'll probably take time out to break the film down in detail at some point.

I love a big budget, popcorn flick. Iron Man, Avatar and The Dark Knight are a few recent-ish examples that spring to mind. At face value, they're easy to watch, not too challenging and visually stunning. The fantasy aspect of these films appeals to me in a big way. They show you something you don't see every day. Places, people and possibilities that don't exist in the real world. Who doesn't wanna see that?

In contrast to these Hollywood monsters, I'm constantly looking out for a hidden gem. From the top of my head I'd say films like Juno, Flakes, Into the Wild and All the Real Girls. Aside from being excellent works, I feel that the Christopher Columbus in me enjoys the discovery aspect. Knowing that I've watched this movie through choice rather than swallowing a massive marketing pill.

Ok, I'll stop there. Brief, but a reasonable starting point. I intend to follow this up in a few days with a look at whatever I end up watching. I tend to watch 5 or so films a week. Some new, and some from my collection. So I guess I'll have plenty of material to work with.

If anybody at all happens to read this, be sure to check back in a few days.

Ciao for now.

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