Friday, 21 January 2011

Not So Dizzy Heights

When you watch as many films as I do, you have to go out there and look for what to watch next. I generally look around IMDb, check out directors, writers and actors I like, then follow the links the their other works. It can lead to watching some real random stuff. Some good, some bad.

Some of the really random stuff I've come across, stuff that probably wouldn't have found me, turned out to be some of the best movies I've seen. All The Real Girls springs to mind. A small town story, focusing on the relationships of the people that live there. Very simple, but done in a way that the viewer can relate to. Some of the scenes reminded me of late summer nights back in my own home town. I felt both happy and sad, but foremost, nostalgic. Zooey Deschanel stars alongside an outstanding Paul Schneider. Go check it out f you haven't already(and don't watch the trailer).

So getting back on track, I was scouring the net, looking for a new film. I came across this film, Heights. The cast seemed ok. Elizabeth Banks, Glenn Close and James Marsden, to name a few. Box ticked. The summary seemed ok. Box ticked. What hooked me though, was the statement on the cover. "The movie I wanted Closer to be".

As Closer is my favourite movie, I though I'd give it a go. I didn't really expect Heights to be better, but if it was in the same vein, I was certain I'd like it. And to be honest, I did.

It hit a lot of the same notes as Closer. There was love, lust, lies and betrayal. The were some good characters(Glenn Close in particular). The obvious comparison to draw is the city based location, one in London, one in New York.

Where the films vastly differ, for me, is the attachment to the characters. Bluntly, there wasn't much. Yes, James Marsden's character is confused, troubled, in love/lust. Do I care? Not at all. Glenn Close appears trapped in a marriage of convenience. She flirts as a form of release. She interferes with her daughter's life. Again, I couldn't make a connection, she just wasn't a nice person.

Now, I'll pretty much watch any film once. I even managed to sit through Guus Van Sant's "Gerry". My girlfriend on the other hand, will fall asleep if the films aren't good. Now we do have different taste, so this barometer doesn't always work. But if the film is aimed at a mainstream audience and she manages to stay awake, then it's a good sign. Unfortunately she did fall asleep about the 1 hour mark, so take from that what you will.

All in all, I would suggest seeing this film. Just don't expect a masterpiece. It's a reasonable story, with a few surprises along the way.

Ta ta for now

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